Sunday, August 31, 2008

I Thought "Security" Meant Safety

Homeland Security means the safety of our homeland, America, right? Well don't be so sure that everyone in those offices are so pro-safety of every human being in America. Ever heard the name Brian Doyle? I hadn't until just tonight when I was researching Homeland Security. A link popped up on Google with jokes about Homeland Security. My curiosity got the best of me. I clicked the link and found out that a man named Brian Doyle, a Homeland Security official, had been arrested "for solicit sex from a teenager" who turned out to be a cop undercover posing as a fourteen-year-old girl. One of these jokes, made by Jay Leno, reads, "...using his government computer and cell pone to try and have sex with a 14-year-old girl. He would send these girls porno on the Web cam. Nice to see our surveillance cameras being used non-stop in the war against terror." At first I sat there laughing for a little while, and then I thought how very true that is. This man is supposed to be working for the protection of our country, not to get points with chicks. So naturally, I was curious. I did a Google search on good ol' Mr. Doyle and found an article about this little incident on Apparently he tried to seduce this girl of fourteen (really a detective) and even gave him all his phone numbers, including his office number and his government-issued cellphone. He sent porno clips to this girl as well as regular pictures of himself to her and said that he would send her nude pictures of himself if she got a web cam and sent naked pictures of herself to him in return. Occasionally he would address the girl by the wrong name by mistake which caused the detectives who worked on this case believe that he had held conversations such as these with other girls before. In Doyle's first conversation with the girl, he was pretty graphic as to what he wanted to do with her. "'Many of the conversations he initiated ... are too extraordinary and graphic for public release,' a statement from the sheriff's office said."
"'I read the transcripts,' Judd said. 'I wanted to see if this was just as outrageous as the detectives depicted it. ... It shocked all of us who have worked vice, narcotics, organized crime, homicides.'"
After reading this article, I didn't know whether I should laugh or take this matter seriously. I mean, of course it is a very serious situation, things like this have happened to girls all over the country, many ending in murder and/or rape, but a Homeland Security official? Using his work computer? It seems too surreal not too laugh at least a bit. Is this what the government workers do on their spare time? Of course, this articl dates back to 2006, but whos to say that other Homeland Security works haven't done things like this since then, or at least considered doing something of this sort. So after I giggled to myself about the situation, I decided to look up the definition of 'security' just out of curiosity. I chose my three favorite definitions from
Freedom from risk or danger; safety.
2. Freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; confidence.
3. Something that gives or assures safety
Well Homeland Security definitly isn't the right name under these circumstances. They should be called, "We Do It In Our Homeland With Minors." There, that's a more sutable name for the office branch that Doyle worked in. But don't think too harshly, not all of our government is screwed up...

Was Brian given his job back?

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